Friday, December 30, 2011

Game Fishing in Siargao on a Stormy Day

Game fishing, more popularly known as Deep sea fishing, involves different fishing methods in deep waters, usually at the middle of the ocean in search for big game like different species of tuna, swordfish, wahoo, durado, barracuda, etc.

It was the Valentine’s week and as we always do, we decided to go out of town to avoid the celebrations and the traffic in the metro.

We went around Surigao and Agusan, hopping from one destination to another. Saving the best for our final leg, the last activity in our list was game fishing in Siargao! I was anxious the night before. There was a storm in the region and we weren’t sure if we could go out fishing the next morning. Our boat captain told us that the waves were high. I tried avoid disappointment by expecting a cancelled activity the next day.

By morning, our captain and the coast guard gave us a go! Although it was sunny, the water was still very choppy. It was an amazing boat ride through waves of mammoth proportions.

After the bates were in place and the poles were set, we had to wait 30 minutes in between hits. Some might find it boring. We, on the other hand, almost did not notice the long wait. We caught several big ones. The excitement of continuously pulling and releasing a bit to tire the fish out was quite intoxicating. Man they sure can give a fight!

We caught too much for the two of us. We had one big parrot fish cooked and ate it for our late lunch, gave the some of the catch to our boatmen and sold the rest to the resort owner where we stayed. He happily bought our very fresh giant mackerel.

I wish I brought a sharp sushi knife, kikoman, ginger, lime and wasabi so I can have the freshest sashimi meal of my life. I’ll bring them in February. We loved it there so much that we decided to spend next year's valentine’s week in the island. 

Hoping for better weather and more catch by then!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wedding Bliss

After a year and a half of engagement and wedding planning, it all seems surreal and bitter sweet that the wedding is over. I have never really been an “events” person. I thought our wedding would be a different case but as it turns out, I really am not the type who would fuzz so much about things like these.

People would ask me if I was excited and nervous. My answer would always be excited, yes ofcourse, but we are more excited about how we will spend our lives after the wedding. A lot would think it strange but as R and I have always known, I am not the typical bride...not a typical woman...I am weird that way.

 It is worth to mention though that there were some little inconveniences and stress that got to me sometimes in the preparation stage but we both got through them with flying colors, I think. If there are things that we wanted but did not get for some reason, we chose something else. It also helped a lot that we were a team.

Days before the wedding, we’ve already agreed that no matter what happens, we will not let anything get to us and we will have fun. The eve of our wedding after polishing my nails, I surprisingly slept really well. The following morning I got up at 6:00am. Shortly after, the wedding coordinator arrived and gave me flowers. It was from my R. It said...

My heart just melted! 

During the whole church ceremony and the reception, there were a lot that did not go as planned. We both did not mind any of them. Everytime something does not go as planned I’d look at his note and immediately I’d feel calm and just fine. I was a little bit nervous about dragging my long and big gown but not about anything else. I WAS SURE THEN AND I AM SURE NOW THAT HE IS THE ONE AND HE WILL FOREVER BE MY ONLY ONE. I think I was not anxious and nervous as the wedding approached and even during the wedding day because I did not have even a hint of doubt that I want to be with him. As I marched down the aisle, all I could feel was excitement to be beside him.  

During the reception, almost everyone that we invited was there. We had so much fun and I hope our friends and families did too.

We were happy planning the wedding, we were happy during our wedding and we are happy now looking forward to our future.

 Cheers to all the congratulations and best wishes. May all of them come true! 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Ultralight Flying in Angeles

Ultralight aviation came about because of people wanting to fly more affordably in the 70’s and 80’s. The planes are called Ultralight or Microlight. These are very light planes that can fit 1-2 persons.

On the weekend after my birthday, we drove to Angeles City Flying Club to try this out. I already looked it up on the internet but you never really know what it’s like until you’re actually there.

Some planes had enclosures at the front and the sides but mine was open. There was a short runway for take off and landing. I had apprehensions at the start. Fortunately my designated pilot guide, Alex, was a very relaxed and chatty guy. In no time, I was able to relax. He even got me to try my hand at driving the plane!

The sky was clear when we were up in the air and the view was just spectacular. If you look very very closely, you might even see people standing by the riverbanks or working at the fields.

Whew! This is a first for me. Driving a plane even before I learn to drive a car!

This is one birthday treat I will never forget for sure.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Mt. Mayon - The Only Volcano that Challenged My Will!

Years of wall climbing, mountain climbing, dragonboat rowing, jogging, kayak marathon and all other trainings...none of it prepared me for the monster that was the Mt. Mayon summit climb! The kickass volcano kicked my ass!

Mt. Mayon view from camp 1

Maybe I was a bit out of shape, or signs of old age? It took every ounce of energy, will power and faith in my entire being to reach the summit. 

Squeezing my way through very thick vegetation
End of day 1 trek - Camp 2

Staying at camp 2 was an absolute pleasure. It was freezing cold, just the way I like it. Since we got to camp 2 early, I was able to enjoy my book with an amazing view at the background! Unmatched by any of the city's pleasures, this is one of the things that make me want to climb over and over despite the difficulties of reaching the peak.

My books and the fantastic view
Nilagang baka and coffee to recharge my body for the early climb to the summit

At 3:00 in the morning, we started our climb to the summit and the crater. Accident and death came across my mind countless times. The terrain was treacherous
and every step had to be calculated. My life literally depended on it!

Still smiling, unaware of how hard the next 10 hours would be

The crack of dawn when sun started to peek...amazing!

There was a constant debate in my mind every 30 minutes on whether or not I should turn back or soldier on..."Ayaw ko na, mamamatay ako dito", "Sige na nga tapusin ko na, sayang naman". It really was a test of character and will power.

1 hour to go...

THE SUMMIT AT LAST! Beside is is the very angry crater with the stench of sulfur. We could remove our masks for a few seconds to have our photo taken.

On the way down to camp 2

The descent was more challenging for me because it almost seemed like we were walking 90 degrees down. Boy, it was a long long way town to the valley! I am not ashamed to say that towards the end, I was already on my hands and knees.

I still can't believe I'm writing this in Camp 2. The grueling experience still seems so surreal. 

My battle scars are 1 very small splinter, burnt skin all over, scratches from twigs and plants and an aching body. Was it worth it? I'm still trying to argue with myself. It sure is quite an achievement to be the only 2nd Filipino woman to reach the summit at alert level 2 since 2001.
Would I do it again? Probably not. But this is one experience that I'll definitely will remember for the rest of my life.
I'm happy to be back. I'm happy to be alive.

Cheers to our adventure and cheers to life!