Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wedding Bliss

After a year and a half of engagement and wedding planning, it all seems surreal and bitter sweet that the wedding is over. I have never really been an “events” person. I thought our wedding would be a different case but as it turns out, I really am not the type who would fuzz so much about things like these.

People would ask me if I was excited and nervous. My answer would always be excited, yes ofcourse, but we are more excited about how we will spend our lives after the wedding. A lot would think it strange but as R and I have always known, I am not the typical bride...not a typical woman...I am weird that way.

 It is worth to mention though that there were some little inconveniences and stress that got to me sometimes in the preparation stage but we both got through them with flying colors, I think. If there are things that we wanted but did not get for some reason, we chose something else. It also helped a lot that we were a team.

Days before the wedding, we’ve already agreed that no matter what happens, we will not let anything get to us and we will have fun. The eve of our wedding after polishing my nails, I surprisingly slept really well. The following morning I got up at 6:00am. Shortly after, the wedding coordinator arrived and gave me flowers. It was from my R. It said...

My heart just melted! 

During the whole church ceremony and the reception, there were a lot that did not go as planned. We both did not mind any of them. Everytime something does not go as planned I’d look at his note and immediately I’d feel calm and just fine. I was a little bit nervous about dragging my long and big gown but not about anything else. I WAS SURE THEN AND I AM SURE NOW THAT HE IS THE ONE AND HE WILL FOREVER BE MY ONLY ONE. I think I was not anxious and nervous as the wedding approached and even during the wedding day because I did not have even a hint of doubt that I want to be with him. As I marched down the aisle, all I could feel was excitement to be beside him.  

During the reception, almost everyone that we invited was there. We had so much fun and I hope our friends and families did too.

We were happy planning the wedding, we were happy during our wedding and we are happy now looking forward to our future.

 Cheers to all the congratulations and best wishes. May all of them come true!