Friday, December 30, 2011

Game Fishing in Siargao on a Stormy Day

Game fishing, more popularly known as Deep sea fishing, involves different fishing methods in deep waters, usually at the middle of the ocean in search for big game like different species of tuna, swordfish, wahoo, durado, barracuda, etc.

It was the Valentine’s week and as we always do, we decided to go out of town to avoid the celebrations and the traffic in the metro.

We went around Surigao and Agusan, hopping from one destination to another. Saving the best for our final leg, the last activity in our list was game fishing in Siargao! I was anxious the night before. There was a storm in the region and we weren’t sure if we could go out fishing the next morning. Our boat captain told us that the waves were high. I tried avoid disappointment by expecting a cancelled activity the next day.

By morning, our captain and the coast guard gave us a go! Although it was sunny, the water was still very choppy. It was an amazing boat ride through waves of mammoth proportions.

After the bates were in place and the poles were set, we had to wait 30 minutes in between hits. Some might find it boring. We, on the other hand, almost did not notice the long wait. We caught several big ones. The excitement of continuously pulling and releasing a bit to tire the fish out was quite intoxicating. Man they sure can give a fight!

We caught too much for the two of us. We had one big parrot fish cooked and ate it for our late lunch, gave the some of the catch to our boatmen and sold the rest to the resort owner where we stayed. He happily bought our very fresh giant mackerel.

I wish I brought a sharp sushi knife, kikoman, ginger, lime and wasabi so I can have the freshest sashimi meal of my life. I’ll bring them in February. We loved it there so much that we decided to spend next year's valentine’s week in the island. 

Hoping for better weather and more catch by then!!