Friday, October 11, 2013

A Quick Escape to Club Paradise – A whole day of doing nothing does everything to heal a tired soul

Adulthood comes with responsibilities. I have not been too cautious lately in keeping conscious effort to keep a certain level of balance in my life.

Until a few days ago, I did not think that I can still allow myself to escape and do nothing even just for a few hours. Here I am now, happily thinking about how I spent today and hoping that it will last me for at least a year.

I woke up this morning at 5:00am just at the crack of dawn. After changing into my swimwear and coverup, I sat on one of the beach chairs in front of our villa and started to meditate. Since it is a weekday in October, we have our side of the island all to ourselves. I meditated for more than an hour without even realizing it! The sound of the waves and forest creatures were exactly the same as the one I use for my meditation at home. The difference was I could feel the cool morning breeze brushing through my face.

I then read a book while lying on the hammock until I fell asleep. When I woke up, it was time to have breakfast. I had two cups of delicious brewed coffee, fruits and fruit juices and sampled several selections of food in the buffet. I usually finish my meals in 5-10 minutes when in the city, even on weekends, but this time it took me an hour before I left my table. We even stayed on our table a long while after we finished eating.

We then went to the clubhouse to work a bit and check on things in the office. I was surprised to finish A LOT of work in only 2 hours! Relaxation and quiet time can really recharge the body as well as the mind.

After work, it was time to swim. First the beach where swam around in the extremely clean and pristine sea water. There was no one else around but us. This is what I am thankful for the most. In the world where we revolve, space is so limited and everyone is always busy running here and there. I am always grateful that once in a while we are able to find an isolated beach or spot where there is just the two of us. After an hour on the beach, we moved to the pool for another hour. I can now feel my sunburnt skin all over.  Ouch!

When we’re done swimming, it was time for lunch…again for another hour.

Immediately after lunch, we headed to our villa. R slept pretty much the whole afternoon while I alternately read magazines while getting crisp and tan on my beach chair and sipping strawberry cream hot tea (they were not even business magazines…just ordinary magazines!), relaxing flat on the beach chair staring at the sky and watching the clouds pass by and lying, sitting, lying again on the hammock while writing this post. 

I almost cancelled this trip because I did not think it would still be possible to go away for 5 full days with lots of deadlines to finish, the staff to supervise, etc. Just too many horror stories in my mind of what could go wrong when I am away. As of this writing, Friday is almost over and we managed to supervise everything over the phone from time to time. Sometimes all we need is to actually do it to know that it is possible. If not, we might succumb to our baseless fears and never do anything. Sure, shit may happen but there is also a big possibility that it won’t.

I am glad I went away on this trip with my R. God knows we both needed to get away and just spend a few days relaxing and doing what we love…him mostly sleeping with the wind on his face and me reading, writing and staring at the sea and listening to the sound of the waves.

Whatever happens and wherever life takes us, we will always have these memories and it will always put a smile on our faces.

It is now 4:30pm and I have 3 more hours before mealtime where we will have complimentary wine as their token to us for being frequent guests. I’m sure dinner will be amazing, as usual!!!

Have a great weekend!