Wednesday, August 17, 2016

My Advanced Birthday Food Hunt in Hong Kong

As I have mentioned in my last post, I was both excited and anxious about this trip. But because I have prepared so well, I began to look forward to it more as we headed to the airport in Manila.

As a couple for 9 years, we rarely have firsts anymore. But this trip is a first for us in many ways...our first solo trip abroad, our first vacation as a couple after being parents, our first trip to Hong Kong together, our first time to go on some regular tourist trail, my first time to plan our itinerary (would you believe?), and many other firsts for sure. 

Day 1
My day started at 3:00am. I took a bath and put on some makeup. By this time, the little girl was already awake and was watching my every move. She woke up early, just as I stepped out of the shower. Maybe she knew we were leaving and she wanted to spend some extra time with us. We played together until our Uber arrived at 5:00am. Before we left, my mom took her to her room so she will not cry when she sees us get out the door with our luggage. It worked! She just went on playing until she fell back asleep.

Everything went as planned in Manila airport. Our flight was delayed for 20 minutes. When we got to Hong Kong airport, the immigration line was so long but we did not have to wait in line because of my Food Fair badge. After collecting our bags, we bought our octopus cards and took the bus to our place for only $40.00

My feet ready for the endless walking...this is the longest I've worn sneakers, ever!

The nearest bus stop was about a block away from our place. We had to walk with our luggage under the steady rain. This is another first! Haha! 

I immediately called home to check on everything. Sadly, Summer was sleeping so we had to wait until the afternoon for our video chat. After leaving our things, we went to Hysan Place for our late lunch. We decided to check our their food court to see what the locals eat during their lunch break. I was amazed at how packed it was, even at past 1:00pm!

After a quick lunch, we went around to check out the mall. We passed by their huge bookstore with many people seated everywhere reading. Inside the bookstore, there was a long queue of people waiting to order their milk tea. Russ said we should line up too. Again, this is a first for us because we never line up for food in Manila. The milk tea was good.

We then hunted for Urban Bakery's Molten egg yolk ball law croissant. It was sinfully yum! Their cream puffs were also good. Since the bakery is in the grocery store, we walked around and I was so happy to see the many fruits and produce that they had. They also had a wide sushi and sahimi selection that looked fresh. As a force of habit, I just had to look around, see what's there and compare the prices. 

After the mall, we went back to our place to charge our gadgets and work for a few hours. 

By 5pm to 6pm, I was becoming extremely worried. I was trying to call and message mom, the nanny and the maid to check on them and they would not answer. I must have called over 30 times. Finally, at around 7pm, we were able to reach them through nanny's Facebook messenger (her hobby). It turned out that the were perfectly fine and mom's phone froze so she could not hear my calls. I was so happy to see and talk to my little girl who kept on kissing the screen of the phone.

We then headed out for dinner. We went to a local favorite Under the Bridge Spicy Crab where we had their Mild spicy crab, Eel in black bean sauce and a cup of rice. The bill was $950.00. By the end of the meal, we were already desperately trying to finish the remaining crab. I was so stuffed!

After dinner, we walked around Causeway Bay and Wan Chai to see the many restaurants and shops around. We walked...and walked...and walked. Being used to the suburban lifestyle where people are already asleep or in their homes by 9pm, It was interesting to see so many people still out walking and eating so late at night on a Wednesday night. Almost all of the eating places were full and the street was buzzling with people. Unfortunately, it was also full of people smoking cigarette too so my cigarette smoke allergy was over the top. 

We were back to our room by 10:30. After shower, we worked for a while. I was happy to have emptied my mailbox before snoozing! 

I have always hated coming to Hong Kong. Crazy, I know. But oddly, by the end of our first day, I was already loving it except for the cigarette smoke blowing to my face everywhere on the streets of Wan Chai and Causeway Bay. I knew I will love this whole trip. 

Day 2
I woke up at 4:00am thinking I should now take a bath and prepare all of Summer's bottles and morning essentials. I then quickly I realized I was on a trip. I tried to go back to sleep to no avail. 4:00 am has really become my regular waking hour! 

Because I could not sleep anymore, I decided to take a bath, curate the first day's photos in my laptop, have green tea and work. Coffee will have to wait until breakfast time. Hmmm...I think my stomach was still quite full from last night's indulgence.

My legs felt so sore, as if I had gone jogging the day before. I thought, oh good. I will be less guilty about eating so much. Hopefully, walking the whole day burned all the calories I devoured. 

After getting ready and a video chat with the little girl, we went out for breakfast before heading to the Food Expo. Although wore our jackets, we decided to buy an umbrella because the weather forecast said it would be quite rainy during our whole stay. All stores were still closed but thankfully, we found a newspaper vendor just beside the MTR entrance also selling umbrellas!

After browsing the menu in many restaurants, we finally decided on Tsui Wah where we tried many of the local favorites.

Because I am most happy and energetic on gloomy and rainy days, I suggested we walk from Causeway Bay to the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center in Wan Chai. It was a wet but leisurely walk for us. When we got to the venue, I had to make a stop to the bathroom for a quick transformation!

I have been to the HKTDC Fashion fairs and I remember it to be huge but my gosh, I was surprised at how packed the trade halls were. Apart from buyers like us, there were so many tour groups and locals who went to the halls that were open to the public for a fee. Perhaps this generation has really become much more enthusiastic about food.

There were a lot of things to try in the fair that we did not sit down for lunch anymore and just tried whatever caught our interest as we walked. We scanned all of the Food Expo trade halls from 10am to 2pm before coming back to our place to rest for a while and work. The great thing about going around in Hong Kong is that you can quickly get from one point to another, with no allowance necessary for traffic. After rest, work and a video call with Summer, we were off once more. 

This time, we decided to hunt for the roast goose in Yat Lok that everybody was raving about. It was quite a bit of a walk from the MTR station but I did not mind because it was so entertaining to walk past the small shops and the narrow downhill streets. I was surprised to see that there was no line at 6:00pm when there is supposedly long lines everyday. When we finally got in, we just pointed on the roast goose and barbecue pork item on the menu because the staff kept on speaking to us in Chinese and they did not seem to have any interest in trying to communicate to us in English. We shared one order only and finished it quickly. It was just okay for me, not exceptional like people would describe. perhaps it's because I am not the biggest duck fan. 

Afterwards, we walked some more trying to look for Kau Kee Restaurant. It is located in a very quiet street with local shops around and where we had to pass a wet market along an alley. It really looked like a provincial pocket of town where people would buy some produce on their way home before dinner. As we approached the street, I saw a long line of locals and knew it must be the place. It's a small place where different groups are seated together, a little too close to each other I might add, where you have to tuck your elbows near your body to fit in your space. You could hear the stranger beside you slurping their soup and noodles. "We" had a bowl each (he tasted the soup and I ate the rest), one with regular broth and one with curry broth. The beef was so deliciously tender and the soup was flavored perfectly. This might have been my favorite among everything that we ate during this trip. After slurping the last drop of your soup and noodle, you are to pay at the counter right away to make room for the many who are still waiting in line.

We walked around the Central area before heading back to Causeway Bay. As if we were not yet stuffed even after some more walking around Causeway, we decided to try the Chocolate mille crepe in Lady M. We were lucky to get our seats just before the restaurant got full and people had to wait in a long queue. The crepe was good but we only got to share one slice because I seriously could not eat any more that night.  

Day 3
On our third day, I scheduled for us to go on a normal tourist trail and go to Lantau Island. After our regular video chat, we had breakfast of wonton noodle soup, some pork and custard buns and a glass of soy milk before heading to Tung Chung. The walk in Central station to transfer to the train to Tung Chung was fun. We happened to go there during their rush hour and it was like a sea of people heading towards the business district.

Our train ride was fast and easy, as usual. We got there just in time for the first batch of cable cars going to Lantau Island. The view was very nice and the ride was breezy because it was raining a bit. The place is for walking around and taking photos. I was nervous about going around because it looked big in the map but it is walkable. 

We were done by 1:00 pm and were headed back. Going there in the morning was a good decision because by 1:00 pm, the line to ride the cable car has become so long.

We stopped by Citygate Outlet mall to look around. I did not see anything interesting for me to buy. But I was excited about the many things in their grocery store especially the fresh produce section and their cooked food section.

We then headed back to our place to rest and work a bit. By 7pm and after chatting with Summer, we headed to Temple Street Night Market for dinner and to sample some street food. I was disappointed to see that it is not as exciting anymore and there were very limited street food options. We had dinner in Wang Hing Restaurant where we had oyster omelette, some steamed scallops, steamed razor clams and some frog. Our meal was reasonably priced and quite tasty.

Afterwards, we decided to look for Australia Dairy Company but after a long walk around Jordan and Yau Ma Tei without finding it, we decided to give up and come home and get ready for tomorrow's last full day.

Day 4
This was a last minute change in our itinerary before we left because I did not really want to go to Macau. But Russ said we should check it out so I squeezed it in. 

We started our day early with light breakfast in a convenience store before heading to Sheung wan for our ferry to Macau. We boarded the 10:20 ferry and were there before lunchtime. We rode the free shuttle bus to Wynn. There were Filipino staff everywhere from the airport to the hotels and tourist spots.

From Wynn, we walked a bit and took some photos. I started to feel hungry. Anyone who knows me well would say this is not acceptable and I get so cranky at the first sign of hunger. Because the nearest food place we could find was Mcdonals, we decided to have a light lunch there. After our quick meal, we rode a taxi to Macau Tower. By this time, Russ already told me that the only reason he wanted to come to Macau was to give me my birthday gift of a bunjee jump in Macau Tower. I was excited ofcourse. But when we got there, I will have to wait for atleast 2 hours (not counting the time the jumps will have to wait when it rains). Plus I saw that the jump will cost $4,000.00. I decided not to do it. I'd rather go sky diving in Cebu for almost half the price. I will just have to wait a little longer before I can scream my lungs out.

We had some pastries in the patisserie in Macau Tower before getting into a cab to The Venetian. Hong Kong and Macau, although just an hour away, are worlds apart. Macau has much more space, much more greenery and is more laid back. I equally like them both but I think I can have more things to do in Hong Kong.

The Venetian was so packed. We went around their casino, the food court and the mall. I was surprised to see so many people there, gambling, shopping and eating.

By 3:00pm, we were on the free shuttle to the ferry station and we were back in Hongkong before 5.

Dinner was in Dim Dim Sum in Wan Chai where we had our dimsum fix. I think they made a mistake of putting us on a table just enough for 2 because I do eat for at least 4!

After dinner, we walked around Causeway Bay to look for Yee Shun Dairy. We must have passed it so many times but just did not notice it. We only wanted to try their double boiled milk but we were told there is a minimum of one order per person so we had to order their chocolate pudding as well. Waaahhhh we were so stuffed. Thankfully, the bowls were small and the concoction was not too heavy on the tummy.

After doing some last minute shopping in their grocery store for some cherries and berries, we headed home, packed our stuff for tomorrow's departure and called it a night.

Day 5
Our last day was basically last minute shopping and waiting for our trip home. In the morning, I did not feel like having breakfast, I just had some leftover Hokkaido cheese cake from Max's.

We then went out to buy some Hong Kong egg tarts and pineapple buns. Then we got our luggage and headed to the airport. We took bus E11 in front of Hysan Place. Our $21.00 ride was comfortable. I enjoyed it more than taking the train because it passed by Tung Chung where I saw a pleasantly different side of Hong Kong. There were people hiking and some cyclists gathering in certain places.

Just before noon, we were in the airport. We had a very filling lunch first in Chao Inn. Because our flight was scheduled in the evening, we had to wait until early afternoon to check our luggage in so we just walked around after getting the refund for our octopus cards. We planned on killing time at the airport lounge but Hong Kong is such a busy place that it so perfect for people watching while having a cup of coffee.


After checking in, we headed to our departure gate. It was late in the afternoon so we were able to chat with our little girl after she came back from the park. 

Our flight was delayed. The good thing is that they have charging and free internet stations near each gate so we were able to kill time by researching for our next trip and reading the news. Our delayed flight was turbulent but I am happy we got home safe.

I honestly did not think that I will ever go on trips without my little girl but I am glad we did this. It was a whole 5 days of couple time, holding hands, fooling around and getting lost. Even the strongest relationships still need a lot of work, time and effort to get stronger and to make it last a lifetime.

Thank you for this trip. It was tiring and exciting. I had so much fun getting lost with you again.

Cheers to many more of our crazy fun adventures and to many more firsts for us!