Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Summer's Adventure

Our family is growing! We recently welcomed a baby girl in 2015. I think the biggest reason why R and I ended up together is that we travel so well together. The way we travel may not appeal to many but it's how we enjoy each experience and appreciate each destination more.

I seriously thought I would put a hold on travel for at least a year or two after Summer's arrival, mainly because she came to us at a very delicate state. I thought I would become a mom who would never ever let her come near any sort of dirt or dust. In a sense, I probably am. I only let loose a bit because R is around.

I am writing this after our fourth travel as a family, twice with both our baby dogs. It's only our fourth travel yet I have already learned so much. And I learn something new every single time. I make it a point to note what I need and what will make things easier for us for next time. I have realized that no matter challenging our travels have become, it is worth it and I am beginning to crave for more and more adventures (with some expected misadventures) with our growing bunch. 

As I start a new phase in our family's life, I decided to add a category in my blog to document Summer's travels and maybe share some tips to moms who would like to experience an adventure or two with their little ones from time to time.

Happy rainy day and cheers to more hanging bridges, river crossings, mountain climbing and amazing food during our trips!