Thursday, December 17, 2015

Trip # 1 - San Juan, La Union...A kickoff to a lifetime of crazy family adventures!

Your Age: 5 1/2 months

My dear little Summer,

I was scheduled to go on an ocular trip to La Union last May. But because I gave birth way ahead of the schedule, I had to move it to another date in 2015 before the peak travel season starts. You were past your sleep regression phase and was already sleeping though the night so we were to confident to schedule the trip in October 2015. I scheduled it in time for our fourth wedding anniversary.

You and your Papa got sick a week before the trip. I lacked sleep taking care of you both. Because it was the first time for you to get sick, I was a bit hesitant to go to travel far. I consulted your pediatrician about it. He prescribed some medicine for your cough and colds. Until a day before the trip, I was still going back and forth about my decision. What made me hesitate even more was the threat of a strong typhoon. The news said it will hit North Luzon by the 17th but no one can really predict for sure when it comes to typhoons like these. Despite my apprehensions, we decided to go for it.

I packed your things the night before while you slept but was so exhausted that I was not able to pack mine. By 2am the next day, I was already up. I checked if all your stuff are packed, packed my stuff, took a bath, had breakfast and brought everything out of the room for loading in the car.

We left home at 5:30am, in time to meet my friends Liee and Pwlo for breakfast in Quezon city before they head to work. After our quick rendezvous, we started our very long drive. You slept soundly from the time we left Quezon city to the time we stopped for lunch in Matutina's in Dagupan. It took us about two hours before going on the road again because we had to change your clothes and diaper, feed you and wait until you were asleep once more.

By this time, I have learned that you quickly fall asleep whenever I play the "Once Upon A Time" album in Spotify. So I would play it whenever we board the car until you fall asleep. It worked like a charm until around 2pm as we drove from Dagupan to Pugo, La Union. Oh boy! You got so bored and would not stop crying. I gave you milk to check if you were hungry. You drank it up but threw up a lot soon after so we had to make a quick stop on a roadside gas station in Pugo to clean you up. Because it was getting late and I was worried that your distilled water would run out, we checked if they had it in the store but they didn't. I just hoped that the supply that we had would last until we get to San Fernando.

At around 3:30 in the afternoon, we reached Pugo Adventure (PUGAD). Because it was a weekday, there were hardly other guests around. The moment we entered the adventure park, your eyes got wide and you started looking at everything around you. We had to leave your stroller before we climbed the stairs going to the first hanging bridge. I was cared to carry you while walking on the wobbly hanging bridge so your Papa carried you first. It was such a huge park and you are quite heavy for your age so we though it might be a good idea to buy a new baby carrier for you since you have already outgrown your Saya baby carrier. I saw that your Papa was tired carrying you around so I carried you on the way back. I even mustered the courage to carry you through two hanging bridges and stop for some photos at the middle! :)

After Pugo Adventure, we immediately headed for San Juan. We asked for directions along the way and it did not sound promising. It was getting late in the afternoon and the people said we still had quite a long way to go. After several towns, we reached San Fernando, La Union. I bought your water at the sight of the first Mercury Drugstore that I saw. I also bought a fresh stash of your medicine because I realized I put the medicine kit at the trunk of the car and the heat of the sun might have ruined it. I did not want to take any chances so I just bought a fresh batch to be sure. 

Finally, at around 7:00pm (and way past your bedtime), we were checked in at Kahuna Resort in San Juan La Union. We got a decent sized garden room. I checked the bathroom right away and was pleased to see that it was clean. By this time, you were already sleepy so I cleaned you up, put you in your frogsuit and tucked you in. I was relieved that you slept right away. For our dinner - room service!

The next day, I woke up at 2am again to clean your bottles and prepare everything in time for when you and your papa wake up. We were all up and ready to have breakfast by 8:00am. You had your milk breakfast with us as well. 

It was nice and windy but still a bit sunny. There were some good sized waves for surfing. But instead of surfing the waves like I used to do years ago, we just took a walk along the beach. 

After our walk, we let you sit on the sand so your feet and hands can touch and feel it for the first time. You looked curious about the new sensation.

Bath was quite a challenge. I think I could not have done it alone. The resort did not have a bathtub and yours was too big to bring along so we bathed you on the bathroom sink. I cleaned it up four times before I was comfortable to let you sit in it. Thankfully, you still somehow fit in it sitting down. 

For lunch, we went to Surf Shack. It really did look like a surfer's hangout. Everything was impressively reasonably priced. You enjoyed walking around the restaurant while looking at all the colorfully painted tables and chairs. What a happy, happy place. It made me even more happy to have those oysters! At this age, you are already starting to want to taste our food and you always look at our meals longingly. Just a few more weeks, love. 

It was such a hot day, possibly the calm before the storm, that I was relieved to have brought the portable fan that your Auntie Berna gave you. Like your Papa, you cannot tolerate the heat and humidity.

The afternoon was spent with us working and you taking your beauty nap. Dinner was at Gefseis Greek Grill and dessert was at Surf Shack where there was a live band and there were so many people hanging out. It's amazing how much the place has progressed from the time when I was surfing when most accommodations were still "home stays".

The next morning, I went online and opened the tv for news of the typhoon. Because it was not looking too good, we decided to have breakfast early and head home. We did not leave without walking on the beach first, ofcourse. The waves were getting bigger and scarier as we posed for a photo alongside the Urbiztondo sign. I made an itinerary of all the tourist spots that we can visit but we had to scrap then whole thing.

Our drive home was much faster for some reason. After Dagupan, it started to drizzle. Along SCTEX, you pooped!!! Since it was still a long way to the next gasoline station, we had to stop at the roadside to clean you up. Afterwards you slept straight, only waking up to drink your milk. 

As soon as the car stopped right after the NLEX exit, you started to cry. And you did not stop for about 30 minutes. I checked everything and it all seemed okay. The only possible explanations that I could think of were you were bored or it was already your bedtime and you were uncomfortable that we are still on the road. But we were in Manila and getting stuck in traffic was inevitable. We took every shortcut that we knew. The traffic only eased up when we entered Skyway! 

I was so happy when we finally reached home at 8:30pm. After you slept soundly on your crib, I forced myself to tidy up and put away all our stuff because I felt that I would be getting very sick. 

Your Papa and I both had massages before bed. The next day, I caught the flu! 

A lot of firsts:
- First time to go on a long drive
- First time to cross a hanging bridge
- First time to drink milk by the beach
- First time to touch and feel the sand
- First time to take a bath in a bathroom sink
- First time to poop and get cleaned up in a Lay-away along SCTEX!

- Portable fan
- Spotify's "Once Upon a Time" album

List of things to buy for our next travel:
- Small containers for soaps, baby detergent, handwash, etc.
- Mosquito repellent
- Baby carrier (because you have outgrown your Saya)
- Infant shades
- Beach bag

What I have learned:
- Always make a packing list and update it after every trip
- Make sure everyone's bags are packed the night before at the latest
- Buy everything you will need (water, meds, formula, diaper) before leaving if you're not sure if you will be able to buy some along the way
- Do not put the medicine kit in the trunk of the car
- When the baby is sick, chances are you will get sick too. As the main caregiver, lack of sleep takes a toll on your body and your immune system goes down. Do not underestimate the baby's power to transmit virus! Be prepared and load up on vitamins and water.
- When the baby won't stop crying, try your very best not to cry too.
- Be ready to order from the room service menu, especially on your first night
- Book a massage the day after you arrive home (because the night you arrive, there will be lots to put away)
- Normal travels don't always go as planned, or as scheduled. More so when traveling with an infant or a baby. If you are naturally obsessive with regard to schedule, prepare your mind. Expect sudden changes and cancelled side trips.
- It is NOT at all easy to travel with an infant
- Though it is not easy to travel with an infant, every minute of the experience is worth it and you will look back and remember your misadventures with a big laugh (eventually). 

Hooray for our first trip! We survived! :) :) :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Summer's Adventure

Our family is growing! We recently welcomed a baby girl in 2015. I think the biggest reason why R and I ended up together is that we travel so well together. The way we travel may not appeal to many but it's how we enjoy each experience and appreciate each destination more.

I seriously thought I would put a hold on travel for at least a year or two after Summer's arrival, mainly because she came to us at a very delicate state. I thought I would become a mom who would never ever let her come near any sort of dirt or dust. In a sense, I probably am. I only let loose a bit because R is around.

I am writing this after our fourth travel as a family, twice with both our baby dogs. It's only our fourth travel yet I have already learned so much. And I learn something new every single time. I make it a point to note what I need and what will make things easier for us for next time. I have realized that no matter challenging our travels have become, it is worth it and I am beginning to crave for more and more adventures (with some expected misadventures) with our growing bunch. 

As I start a new phase in our family's life, I decided to add a category in my blog to document Summer's travels and maybe share some tips to moms who would like to experience an adventure or two with their little ones from time to time.

Happy rainy day and cheers to more hanging bridges, river crossings, mountain climbing and amazing food during our trips! 

Friday, October 2, 2015

Spontaneous Lunch on A Rainy Sunday in Balay Indang

The day started out hot and sunny. It was so tempting to stay at home and do nothing. But ever since our little S came out, we have been making more effort to go out on weekends so by the time she's big enough to be curious about the things around her, we'll also be used to taking her out on so many small and big adventure trips.

We decided to try Balay Indang since we have been thinking of spending some time there for quite a while. Luckily, when we called at around 10am to ask if they accept same day reservations, they said they can still accommodate us! :)

We took the Daang Hari route. As we entered Trece Martires, it started to pour. We were not sure whether we already missed the place so we had to stop several times to ask for directions.

Finally, we arrived! The entrance is a huge gate. After the parking lot and to the main dining hall, there is the pathway in the photo below. It reminded me so much about our wedding venue. It looked like the same pathway that made me fall in love with the Moon garden and decide to hold our wedding reception there.

The place is even bigger than it seems from the outside. It had lots of open space, lots of greens and lots of quirky molded cement decor all around. They have a small pool and an intimate space for events. 

What caught my interest the most are the collections. Lots of them, from plates to Buddha to rooster and hens, masks, mirrors, metal pots and so many more. The main home itself that houses all the collections is quite lovely and homey. 

As for the food, it was delicious. I liked everything. R said it was like eating at home. And because he pointed it out, I realized it was strangely like eating my own cooking. That's probably why we liked it so much.

We had a salad, carrot fried rice, papaya with coconut milk and chopped shrimps, japchae, baby back ribs, shrimps and cheesy baked salmon. A pitcher of dalandan juice was also served and for dessert we had a plate of fondue.

I'd say it was like coming to grandma's house with the assorted plates, the collection of this and that, the garden and the satisfying home cooked meal. That was a great and fun first out of town trip for our little traveler in training.

I am looking forward to so many more fun small and big trips. Excited to plan them all one at a time!

Cheers to rainy days and the weekend! :)